A thousand pin-up girls to stepney to bombay Take me to fancy restaurants to be amongst the (? ) And all the blue-eyed gals of 6 foot 3 Are gonna leave you broken down on your knees Cause in the golden locks and fluttering lashes You say, "i told you", all day long Never (never) trust a blonde Yeah, never (never) trust a blonde Just when you thought it was safe to get it on Watch out for their teeth boys you never trust a blonde I been dreaming of clinches (? ) flinches The start of hollywood (? ) Too many girls and ham-fisted moves and blaming it on the wine Now your best bet's, succour(? ), love and caress Make it quick boys cause I ain't got long Never turn your back on the girl in black You never trust a blonde Never (never) trust a blonde Yeah, never (never) trust a blonde Forget all that stuff about ad-men, like my own father My daddy said, "rocky, don't even trust your mom"! They all queue in line, they wanna see me hung, drawn and quartered Sure not on a moon shine, a recipe that leaves me (? ) Stormy weather, the smell and a lousy hotel One line from a fair blues song I'm telling you mate, I'll get slayed You cannot trust a blonde Never (never) trust a blonde Yeah, never (never) trust a blonde You think you can hide behind peroxide, then you got it wrong, so wrong Watch out for their teeth boys, never trust a blonde Here comes another, never trust a blonde She could be a mother, never trust a blonde England and china, never trust a blonde She played me a blinder, never trust a blonde Never, ever russian, never trust a blonde Expect a bum's rushian(? ), never trust a blonde Explode with good luck, never trust a blonde Squeeze in another, never trust a blonde