Trust in love not like some thing's above to fear to fake while you hold Evolve human human instinct there is more to life than war Do you see at all? Do they see at all? Do we see at all? Sauyeigh! Leighthon! Sauyeigh... Heads are rolling on the ground Sauyeigh! Leighthon! Sauyeigh! Rather to fight than lay down We objectify and sell the earth until the other side of birth and to each other jagged pins out of our mouths We object to these objects they are frail little locksets they are seizure while we leisure guarding our will Do you see at all? Do they see at all? Do we see at all? Sauyeigh! Leighthon! Sauyeigh... Heads are rolling on the ground Sauyeigh! Leighthon! Sauyeigh.. Rather to fight than lay down Murder in a word... army murder in a word... army murder in a word used to be your comfort murder in a word