A very violent death finished with your miserable life, in your body are happening lots of nervous spasms, vomiting a mixture of your kidney with blood and repulsive white grubs as the colour that you saw when you give your last shout of desperation Nobody is worried - for your disappearance while your body is rotting now your brain is dead, you will never wake up, of this eternal nightmare Inside of your body, thousands of grubs, are devouring, your internal organs This causes an obstruction of the blood in your brain, a lot of little insects drink the blood that is inside of your putrid head In your stomach a lot of horrendous chrysalis are forming after a weed your body will be infested by moths a troop of insects devour the rest of your cancerous flesh, and your purulent and fragile skin The moths die inside of your corpse, a big dough of flesh and parts of guts is the best food for more and more insects The nature is wise...