Head molding anticipation Inflammation appearing Distress, agonize, roars of animals locked Modern quantitative sciences doesn't work Head deformer, Brainpower of a sickened brain Voices & internal vibrations Says to him That the process has an error Freedom shall be yours Keep the mind alive Decease is not the next step Blood mechanism Deteriorating of the head bones Genome distortion / Of the injected osteostrace life fluids Increasing the rate of mutation in 566 Random - Discontinuous (x2) Movements - Movements Practicing under the lower bounds Self-preservation of the wounds Trying to support the pain Investigations engulfed in tension Arrhythmic contractions Systemic circulation Like venom which coalesce Into veins permanent mutation Of his parameters Causing errors in protein sequence Minimizating the mutation rate Genome distortion / Of the injected osteostrace life fluids Increasing the rate of mutation in 566 Real insight into the / Likely biological mechanisms It is necessary to have effective DNA repair systems