21 gun salute for our fallen brother, Hand another folded flag to his mother, Standing in line trying not to cry, They empty a full mag into the sky. Remember them Every friend Coming home In a bodybag. Another atom blast lights up the night And the tears are wiped with stars and stripes Children laying in pieces, i'll never understand, Don't ever ask for peace with a gun in your hand. Our future revealed On the battlfield Nothing more Than a human shield. He looked at me, he fell away A fallen soldier, my only friend Marching all night, we ask each other When will this war ever end? The madness of war they all adore Blood drunk and asking for more Those die who weren't afraid to fight How can any of this be right? Laying in the rain writing his last letter To his wife and his child he never even met, Full of regret, he tells her not to wait He hugs his rifle and smokes his last cigarette. Bred for war Since we were small, A sign of the times A lifetime by design. He looked at me, he fell away A fallen soldier, my only friend Marching all night, we ask each other When will this war ever end? The madness of war they all adore Blood drunk and asking for more Those die who weren't afraid to fight How can any of this be right? Enemy fire blazing through the sky Reminds me of fireworks on the 4th of july, Like stars in my eyes, what a lovely sight Laughing as the priest reads me the last rites.