An army 's coming Yet unheard of Countless legions Built in the shade of disbelief The agnostic army Strikes their wardrums Sounding horns Of knowledge and discovery Hear them marching They 're getting closer Lifting the mists of deity They'll burn your crosses Destroy your altars And raze your temples They break your pentagrams Pray to odin, Pray to satan, Pray to Jesus, Pray in vain Worship demons, worship angels Worship buddhas, serve in vain Trust your karma, trust your chakras Believe in ghosts, believe in vain Be in vain All you preachers Monks and mullahs Priests and shamans Ravs and gurus Esoteric charlatans Expect no mercy Expect no mildness They won't spare you Their fury 's blazing Their weapons deadly They have learned now You enslaved them for many centuries We burnt your crosses Destroyed your altars We razed your temples We will hunt you And you will be slaughtered And get the proof That there is no afterlife And the last death rattle Now has died down, The last shaveling disposed of and defiled The smoke has thinned, Dust and ashes settle On the debris of ancient lies For once beheld by seeing eyes And minds free from thraldom A new sun rises As the godless Inherit the earth Prayed to Jesus, prayed to satan Prayed to odin, prayed in vain Worshipped demons, worshipped angels Believed in ghosts, believed in vain