Tom: A From: "Jeremy Styron" Date: Tue, 07 Apr 1998 23:46:23 GMT Album: Electra 2000 Transcribed by Jeremy Styron Ok, this song starts with a bass, but to account for the lack of me having a bass and I’m sure a lot of you likewise, this intro is tabbed for guitar. The bass part that is tabbed for bass is this thing...(5-8-5-2-0)...the other parts are played on guitar. (clean) D |----------------------------------------| A |--5-7-5-2-0---7-h-9-9-h-7-7-5-5---------| D |----------------------------------------| A |-(-5-7-5-2-0-)-7-h-9-9-h-7-7-9-9--------| ||==you can hit this bass note open if===|| ||=you want to have low note to make=====|| ||==it sound bassy=======================|| D |---------------------------------------------| A |--(-5-7-5-2-0-)-7-h-9-9-h-7-7-5-5------------| D |---------------------------------7---lightly-| A (-5-7-5-2-0-)-7-h-9-9-h-7-9-9-(9)-------------| D |-0----just for a bassy effect----------------| ||================================ring========|| B |-----(7)-----------------------------------------| G |-----(7)-----------------------------------------| D |-----9-9-9-9-9-----------------------------------| A |-----7---hold this out--------0----0-0-----------| D |-0-------let ring-------------0----0-0-----------| ||==ad lib this, play various notes in this chord==|| ||=================lightly=========================|| ||====very strummy, get quieter and quieter========|| now the bass starts playing the main line… A |---7-h-9-9-h-7-5-5-----------------------| ...while that goes on the guitar strums this along under the bass line...