Ring, a ling, my clock is yelling for me to arise But I despise getting up this early I just wanna stay in bed don’t wanna go to school What can I do I’d rather get the flu Wouldn’t you Ring a ling, school has now officially begun This is no fun it’s really boring I keep looking at the clock but it doesn’t seem to move What can I do, I don’t have a clue Ring a ling science class is calling out my name What a shame it’s so lame Looking through a microscopic lens And laughing with my friends at a fruit fly why? Staying home and watching television Is better than doing long division I’d rather walk on broken glass Than spend another minute in a math class Ring a ling, it’s finally time to go outside and play Yay! It’s recess! Flying like batman on the swings Flipping through the rings of the monkey bars Ring a ling what? Ring a ling it’s over? Ring a ling No! I just atarted having fun It’s time to go