Gentlemen. Gentlemen. A secretary is not a toy, No, my boy, not a toy To fondle and dandle and playfully handle In search of some puerile joy. No, a secretary is not, Definitely not, a toy. You're absolutely right, Mr. Bratt. We wouldn't have it any other way, Mr. Bratt. It's a company rule, Mr. Bratt. A secretary is not a toy, No, my boy, not a toy. So do not go jumping for joy, boy. A secretary is not . . . A secretary is not . . . A secretary is not a toy. A secretary is not to be Used for play therapy. Be good to the girl you employ, boy. Remember no matter what Neurotic trouble you've got A secretary is not a toy. She's a highly specialized key component Of operational unity, A fine and sensitive mechanism To serve the office community. With a mother at home she supports; And you'll find nothing like her at FAO Schwarz. A secretary is not a pet Nor an e-rector set. It happened to Charlie McCoy, boy: They fired him like a shot The day the fellow forgot A secretary is not a toy. A secretary is not a toy. And when you put her to use . . . Observe when you put her to use . . . That you don't find the name "Lionel" On her caboose. A secretary is not a thing Wound by key, pulled by string. Her pad is to write in And not spend the night in. If that's what you plan to enjoy. No!! The secretary ya got, Is definitely not Employed to do a gavotte, Or you know what. Before you jump for joy, Remember this, my boy, A secretary is not A tinkertoy!