An ocean keeps no friends Just the strictest set of rules He journeys to its end Invites a fate reserved for fools Of battles won and lovers lost An ocean never keeps a score His final breath was just the cost Of finding heaven on its floor And an ocean doesn’t care If she laughs or if she cries As if an ocean knows what’s fair About what lives in it or dies An ocean never sheds a tear For it’s made up of the same She may live a shell for years But an ocean never learns a name A bed is lost at sea When it’s naked on one side If you lay not with me I’ll rest my heart upon the tide For many nights I dreamed a dream Sunk into a mistress deep This world is silent to a scream Sirens heard only in sleep And whose version of the facts Will come to be known as the tale Of how my love fell through the cracks Until I sold it for a sail? What you seek you’ll never find Answers brought forth from the sea Not in its heart nor in mine Shall compassion ever be