Hot Chip

In The Privacy Of Our Love Live

Hot Chip

Tom: D

1 = E    4 = D    /
2 = B    5 = A   / - Standard Tuning
3 = G    6 = E  /

1:16 - 1:34

2:9~----9----X--9~~-------------9~------9----9--9~~--9/11--9~------------| \
3:8~-----8------8~~--X----X-----8~--------8~----8~~--8/10--8~-X----------|  \ Play all this softly,
E|4| :--------------10~--8h10-8h10~-----------------10~-----------8h10-8-6-6~|  / strum up when there's
B|5| :-----------------------------------------------------------------------| /  3 chords slowly.
G|6| :-----------------------------------------------------------------------|/

1:34 - 2:03

2:9~---9~--9----9~----------9~-----9~--9~---9~--9-9~---------| \
3:8~--------8~--8~----------8~---------8~---8~----8~-9~-9--9~|  \ Again, play this very softly
E|4| :--------------10~--------------------10~-----------8~------|  / you can improvise it, just
B|5| :---------------------------------------------------10--10--| /  remember when chord are.
G|6| :-----------------------------------------------------------|/

2:03 - 2:28

2:9~--9----9~---------9--------9~---9~--9~------9~~~| \ 
3:8~---8~--8~------8~---8--8~--8~---8~--8~-----8~~~~|  \ Softly...
E|4| :---------10~-8h10-10---10---------10~------10~~~~~|  /
B|5| :------------------------------------------11~~~~~~| /
G|6| :--------------------------------------------------|/

That it...

This is the live version, here's the youtube link:

~   = Let ring...
()  = Weak note, very low, hard to hear, soft...
p/h = Pull Off/Hammer On...
/   = Slide Up...
X   = Dead Note, muted string...