Tom: D I was sent this tab a couple of dayz ago and i neva actually got round to putting this tab on here so, im doin it now! Unfortuantly i saved the addy and then deleted the e-mail and then suddenly realised that i needed the e-mail so that i could put it on here or forward the e-mail on to the guy who sent me the tab,so sorry bout that(to evry1 but mainly the guy hu sent me the tab)howeva i can still help if u hav ne probz! c ya xxx Tuning:Standard -----------------------------------------------------R -----------------------------------------------------E -7-7-7-9---0-11-11-11-9-7-0-4-4-4-7---2-2-2-0--------P -----------------------------------------------------E x2 -----------------------------------------------------A -----------------------------------------------------T D Bm I am burning in a smoke-choked house but D Bm Tonight is empty of warm glows and whispered good nights D Bm Riot, disorder. Set the banks on fire. D, Bm, A, G (REPEAT x4) D Bm Some old war song used to play here D Bm Once I heard it and the sound it made was sad but hopeful D Bm Stand up be counted, no-ones buying me D, Bm, A, G (REPEAT x4) ----------------------------------------------------------------------9-11-| ---------------9------------------9---9-12-9-12-9-12-9--9-12-9-12-9-12-----| -9-12-9-12-9-12--12-9-12-9-12-9-12-12-----------------12-------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------| And that looks like thats it, ive been told that the timing is out in the odd places and thats true but its nothing serious, if u hav ne probs e-mail is * or * but i cant remember last time i used it and if u were the guy who sent me this e-mail can u send ur e-mail addy back to me so that ive got it handy thanx!! :D