Who by the time, has not ever had regrets On what he has not made, on these broken dreams yet Who doesn't have to think for setting up a list which begins by "to do" A mail to the president The tourist in pyong yang To work for cia Golf party on the moon A s.o.s. To stop the wars, before that I will kick tyson ass! I was told that it would be necessary paid, that they go be done One day you walk alone, one day with ghost, this fucking past ghost Open your eyes, present holds to you the hand Night and day, time marches on to you too Morning comes, eyes destroyed ready for the same day It's just unbearable things again Enter life's dullness, strong I am, take a pen and write! Catch an alien Take the tea with the queen Negotiate an hostage taking Subscribe to secret society A s.o.s. To stop the wars, before that I will kick tyson ass! Provoked and seized opportunities, live moment Maybe that I can do, that's okay A s.o.s. To stop the wars, before that I will kick tyson ass! I was told that it would be necessary paid. That they go be done One day you walk alone, one day with ghost, this fucking past ghost Open your eyes, present holds to you the hand Night and day, time marches on to you too Provoked and seized opportunities, live moment Maybe that I can do, that's okay Can I do it? I said! I order you!