Invaders decided To enslave the Earth On air broadcasted They gonna take by force! The humans: "Who cares! It was a show!" Space fellows selecting The landing spot. Russian place was very cold, In France taken for the frogs! Hit by U.S. Air Force Their game completely lost! Epic Fail… Epic Fail… Epic Fail of Aliens! And after this failure They worked a lot. Green fellows created The world default! But people again Were not afraid. They blamed the Jews And shadow government. They invented new attack They installed millennium bug! But again miscalculated And computers didn't break! Epic Fail… Epic Fail… Epic Fail of Aliens! Keep trying ideas And everything, They stole from Cola The Cocaine! Killed Napster, Net trolling, The swine flue, Bin Laden, Volcano And super glue! They can be just you or me Pirates from the Somali! They kill Kenny, Cross this line Getting on TV prime-time! Epic Fail… Epic Fail… Epic Fail of Aliens!