Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil It walks near me, it smiles, it shows its teeth Not from above but from beneath It laughs in my face but not at my faith The dark looks for me and can't understand How I slipped right through its fingers Congratulations The cries of the crow becoming clear Bleeding day into night without fear Into the temple of sacrifice and doom I walked alone into the red room We're way beyond the land without order Surrounded by faces, drums of death I cheated time and I know I ain't got much time left You You killed it Humanity Congratulations Everyday I wake up, it's a fight to survive The humanoid selfish egomaniacal instant gratification world Money, greed, ugly need, how much is enough Fame Being king of the rats Time is vicious dummy Look at me Look at you We're all the same Just trying to stay alive Congratulations The unknown no one of nowhere Knew nothing new, as never before Lost his life in love with love Left alone always Leapt off towards another waste of what would wind up what once was But wasn't One tarnished trophy to which has been said goodbye The only word that was ever needed Have I lost what was never given me? Nope I don't buy into the tooth fairy The Easter bunny nor any of your favorite crutches Everyday is just another game to play You lose now… You lose later Winning is the gift of playing the game Bite off as much as you can chew and spit out what you don't need You have to go away to come back Do not pander, ponder, rise To return to an orderly decision of being born or not The sickness parade is here Tick tock tick tock There ain't nothing that can protect you from the brutality of life's clock It will sneak up and bite you right on the ass And after just a few short years in your narcissistic pavilion You will shrivel and wither like a humiliated grape Anyone ever tell you you talk too much, probably not You speak much better when your mouth is full Your epitaph will be scribbled in crayons On a scorching sidewalk Congratulations