Coalescence of flesh and filth, jubilated Incarnated putrescence defiles the youth The foul, revolting oath Father, can you hear me now? Vomited forth from which I came, to corrupt the innocent Birthed to enslave Violated my earthly grave to control the blind in my masquerade Bestowed upon the Human race: Endless, deathless suffering Free my body of its mortal restraints so I may lead demons, wicked legions from the gates of the mischievous to rid the world of man Yield your bodies to me so they may shelter the damned Tonight we feast, we celebrate the end Black Communion disseminate Infect thy world with blasphemy Conversion to obscurity nauseates the shrines inducing endogenous immolation Abandon thy holy name! Ascend from your inevitable grave Rejoice in the rising flame Violate my earthly grave to control the blind in my carnal masquerade Free me of my mortal restraints to rid the world of man Violate my earthly grave!