Innocent souls from heaven Called by the most darkest creature From the slave of pain And falling desire I've now illuminated Your way Forever now You'll have to pray You've been chosen From hell God has now allied With his darkest angel When misanthropy will reign On skies and earth I will be hate and I will be God And earth will be honour Pray for me now Now that the one Who once was my father Became my first son The fall of heaven Is the final act The crucifixes Are bleeding Deus meus ex toto corde poenitet me Omnium meorum peccatorum Eaque detestor quia peccando non solum poenas a te iuste Statutas promertius sum sed praesertim quia offendi te Summum bonum ac dignum qui super omnia diligaris Ideo firmiter propono adiuvante gratia tua De cetero me non peccaturum peccandique Occasiones proximas fugiturum amen.