Tom: Cm C D# The way… You speak to me, D# D C A#... D D# Can’t get o-ver… the way You ne-ver raise… your voice C D F D# D C Stays on my heart, the way, Even on our dark---est day C D D# D D# D A# G You used to chase a-way all my gray You al----ways know what to say D D# D D# D D# Ev-ry time I’m with you To com---fort me (Tricky vibrato, very Christina Aguilera) D D# A# D C C# It’s like I’m on a ride Is this re—a--li----ty? D# D D# D D# D# And I’ll do an-ny-thing G# A# B D C To look in your eyes Chorus A# C D It’s the way, D# D C A# C# The way you touch me A# C D Things you say D# D C A# C# Makes me be----lieve A# C D That one day D# D C A# C# I will fi---nally under-stand, C# A# G# B D C# C How did I find such a man? F D# D C It’s in the way (Bridge Spoken) So many years, I was alone Been all around the world, but never home With you all the pain, just subsides, And only you, I can confide And everyday At night I pray You’ll never go away It’s in the Way!