


It's inexpressable
So indiscribable

It's inconceivable
Too inadmissible
And it's inalterable

Starin down the barrel of a gun
No more whistling in the dark
Am i the only one?

This is the end of fear

Nausea, insomnia
Haunted by thie phobia

It's invariable
So inexplicable

It's inescapable
Too insupportable
And it's intangible

So there's more to life than meets the eye
More than flesh and blood can stand
I suffer and i sigh

This is the end of fear

Nausea, insomnia
Haunted by thie phobia

A constant fear of contaminations
A perpetual anxiety about virulent infections

It's indefeasible
So inevitable

It's insuppressible
Too inapplicable
And it's incurable

A lethal terror, so psychological
A schizophrenic phobia
Brought into strong relief

This is the end of fear

Nausea, insomnia
Haunted by thie phobia
Nausea, insomnia
Haunted by thie phobia