He strolled for the cold and arid coast There were not welcoming fiords, only gigantic cliffs, without other beings than seals, birds and dark small men. He razed -avenger raven- Climbing the cliffs -Dead hands-. Dead, dead. The draugr realized, but he didn't rest. Human weapons damaged but not killed him Traveled toward the north The memories arrived returning of the death, of many days of voyage, to the south of Vinland, through the warm seas, through the murderous sun, as having sent by Fenrir over their drakkars. To the north, more barrows, other fallen warriors. Resting in Valhalla. Resting in Valhalla. he wanted to rest but he was a draugr. Now, a drakkar aground, empty, without provisions. The memories arrived returning of the death, of many days of voyage, to the south of Vinland, through the warm seas, through the murderous sun, as having sent by Fenrir over their drakkars. And, as a draugr he was, He became seal, gull, cat and fish. His hunger ,appeased, not his hate. The memories arrived returning of the death, of many days of voyage, to the south of Vinland, through the warm seas, through the murderous sun, as having sent by Fenrir over their drakkars.