Her Candane


Her Candane

I wanna make a movement.
Want to explore the motions of the muscles of your mouth.
I wanna disappear. I want fire to catch me!

All inclusive, I want your fire!
Exacting acceptance, my mouth's agape.
And I want you're blood.

I'll be that kid at all the parties,
Writing letters on your rooftop.

Simply the way cards drawn will draw blood if all is lost and lost is love.

[this isn't helping anymore!]
At the!
[those fears are coming full circle!]
[the circles are outsmarting each other in a full blown apathy!]

And if I cut that list in half...
Reject every instance of this,
This indiscretion.

Her notes: subtlety.
Watch you're friends pass by.
They can't look at the scars under your eyes.

Ill be that kid at all the right parties,
Writing you letters on your rooftop.

And if I cut that list in half...
Reject every instance of this,
This indiscretion.

I wanna make a movement.
Want to explore the muscles of your mouth.
I wanna disappear.
I want fire to catch me...
[not the other way around]