The traveler arrived at the tribe of the brute silings A hidden camp near the cliffs of the vandal mountains A beautiful maiden of the cloth cloaked in pagan norm She told of a plan to unite three tribes As her words were soft and warm The chief is old and tired puts trust to his son The future lies with him cause he's his only one She gets close and trusted and tells him of her kind Temptress of seduction she poisens his mind With her words she poisens his mind I will love and care for you until my dying breath I am scared and troubled I fear for your death If you remain a heathen a dark place you will go And we won't be together I feel that you know We will run away together thru the fog thru the trees We will leave our pasts behind never to be spoken They must know we are gone headed for the sea They will try to find us and bring us back again The tribe cannot believe that they would run away What were they thinking she will die this day The chief wants his son back spreads word thru the land He wants him safe and well but kill her where she stands Backed by the void of reasoning Brutal times rott to the core But the vibrance of the tyrants brought forth faith And they started a war We will run away together thru the fog thru the trees We will leave our pasts behind never to be spoken They must know we are gone headed for the sea They will try to find us and bring us back again They ran into asding the word has been spread And without warning they lopped off her head He drew his blade in anger he was told to yield He did not they broke his neck they hit him with a shield They hit him with a shield the vandals divide His son is dead