Myths of the past ages Keys to our inner selves Seeking guidance and powers of reasoning The names of my gods invoke wisdom and strength I feel the warmth of the swastika Rising from the cold earth I trust in the answers received For it is the voice of my blood that answers But many follow religions and beliefs Not born of the blood Destroying the threads Which bind man with nature Kinsman with kinsmens To follow a mythos and belief Not born of the blood Is damning yourself to eternal sickness The blood of your future Drifts aimlessly into a blackened abyss For glory, for Odin The voice of my blood strives to awaken Thousands of years of experience and knowledge Guided by Aryans having their own folk awareness An essential part in life Asatru, strengthening the people Gave purpose, meaning, unity A collective conscious of a proud kindred Follow the voice of your blood To hail the gods Is to hail yourself