Wie viele Menschen wissen, das sie leben? I feel like a hole. My head is heavy. The world it creased me, it's so great. Cause I'm in me, a world for myself Showing to no one no matter who. Everything is passing me like in a scene. And in my role, there is nothing. I don't know where I belong to And I am frightened of this. Leben, was ist das, ich weiß es nicht. Leben, Leben, Leben, Leben. Leben, was ist das, ich weiß es nicht. Leben geben, Leben nehmen. I lived my life to be free That's what I've been taught to be. And my whole body is a prison Where I have no chance to escape from Well I can see, hear and feel, But even though useless for life. And all my life I'm lost in the nightmare Where I have no chance to wake from. Leben, was ist das, ich weiß es nicht. Leben, Leben, Leben, Leben. Leben, was ist das, ich weiß es nicht. Leben geben, Leben nehmen.