"Welcome to the court of Asgardr, valiant heimdall Your evil brother Loki, by a black spell Seized on the holy necklace of Freyja And took it to the dark island of ancient stone Run White God, defeat the evil one Bring the sacred jewel back again It was forged by the dwarves of the fire race In the Icy Caves Source of Life - mystic symbol of creation It holds the power of light - evil forces guarded it In the dark mysterious island of ancient stone Maids of the dark are coming across the sky Insanity obscures our reign And upsets the fragile balance of the kingdoms Of the Universe... Return on the wind of glory and victory Restore order and peace" "Lord of war I'll recover the jewel - I shall plunge my burning blade Into the chest of the enemy - I swear on my sword I shall free the bewitched lands from the black threat" He flew like and eagle over the lands of ice Destiny called him to the island of ancient stone (2x) On the dark island among the waves of the sea A god against a god - they fought through the day Till heimdall's 06 delivered the final blow and Loki - wounded - fell into the cold deep waters "I'll Return in revenge you'll die, you'll die, you'll die"