
Bereft Of Sky


No one wants to believe that when you can't see
Your eyes are in your hands 
With closed eyelids, heart's in your ear 
No one wants to believe disability 
Deepens your senses when you're deaf or blind 
You only descry what you feel inside

Hearing a voice without a face 
Or seeing light without sound 
Hating silence when you're voiceless 
Unable to cry around

No one knows why my life can be so unfair
I'm trying to know but no one never seems to care 
No one knows but I can find the reason why 
Here some of them know
why I have got to live bereft of sky 

No one wants to believe that when you can't hear 
The move of the lips is a real guide 
You can even feel the rhythm of love 
So I want to believe if I had the choice
I'd rather be dead than deaf
If I had the choice I will keep my voice

I'd rather be dead than deaf 
But what's the worse I can't tell 
Anyway if I were blind I'd still write and sing 
With my hands I'd touch the essential 
And know what the word listen means 
And love eyes closed