Gonna disappear into the deepest of mountains tell nobody nothin', untie all my loose ends flushed out to the raging seas, and I'm cuttin' free all the dead weights that have anchored me goin' down past the end of the road where all the dead mules go but this time I go alone so say what you will when I'm gone say what you will when I'm gone it's the same thing you say when my back is turned you speak like a prophet of great things and all your knowledge come on fool, regurgitate a few more things... just told to you let go... I just wanna let go of all my hopes and dreams and everything they mean the games that were played the people I betrayed the choices and the 2-faced friends that I've made let go... I just wanna let go the ways in which I behaved the path in which I went astray the life I long delayed the high prices that I payed none of it meant shit to me no, not anyway... let go