The insane is among us he looks at you with slimy eyes He talks to you about fraternity and love fucking sermons about false mercy In his church the insane become powerful he submits his servants hypnotized Promising them the eternal life requiring obedience since he will die Interfering in your thoughts he has been able to manipulate you To show you the way you cannot live now without him He sails in a sea of gold but remains a poor servant of God Nobody will know his fucking nature If I will go to hell you are a demon so pure! Never allow him to drive you into darkness Because it is a trap it is always forthcoming Your fucking reasons are now too much evident You do not deserve to live in this world! Crucify the insane so he will can redeem his sin Crucify the insane bring it back from where it came Crucify the insane so he will can redeem his sin Crucify the insane bring it back from where it came