Reverend's son found me in the alleyway downtown Old book of matches and dove in the dirt He punched me in the back of my head I cried into my knees, bloodied hands And he held my coat and we walked back home Marigold, love is a lie Well I was out waiting by I-45 You taught me how to hide from real life I never took you for the teaching type Lover I guess you were afraid But you left me heavy when you wept and went away When I held your heart, girl I swear I saw it glow in the dark But hell, you were cruel Reverend found a break in the day Where he could run to see his mother's grave He was hell to console, but I'd said it wasn't trouble at all And he said he'd trade me wisdom of God for a second soul Life, you are a bottle of wine I could take you out on a bad night Subtle hint of malice and regretting eye So sweet on the tip of my tongue I heard you haven't been well these days Just meet me on 2nd at 8 and we'll drink to pain