Lay her in the river, brother, I know She took your coat, she slit your throat I know it Wild water overtake her, keep hold She knew her grief, go give her piece Speak good things Key to your kingdom, brother, who knew You'd loved her more than She ever could've loved you Some old truth Why'd you always talk about your clean past? There's none of that, and good things don't last Don't say that Run to where your devil couldn't catch you alive Make him twist your scripture if he finds you alright Take him by the tail if he don't teach you to die Why'd you run to matrimony, God knows That ring grew tight in the absence of entitled divine Your witness You common denominator, stayed put While she multiplied And numerator weighed you down right And you liked it Lucifer was cast when he forgot how to fly She had never learned but you'd insisted she try She went and clipped yours and called you all the time