
Choo Choo Trains of Thought


Somewhere close to the back of your mind
I've been watching you from afar
Crossing time from a deeper divide
I discovered a spark
Standing on a salt plains
Or dancing in the dark

Down to the water and the postman
Swim for the love of your life
Why don't you just squeeze a little closer
Searching for natures design

I've been thinkig about it all day
Why they put the ship in the bottle and they put the bottle in the bag
In the flask
In the trash
I'm simply going mad singing

Choo choo ka choo mmm mmm mmm
I got it bad
Choo choo ka choo mmm mmm mmm
I'm going mad
Trying not to freak out from the body's floating in my bubble bath

Call me Al or call me content
I'll live with whatever you decide
3.99 for a monkey wrench might fix the leak in your eyes
Every single part of my brain
Is dressing for the part

I've been thinking about it all day
Why we leave our mother for another
So our lover can become the mother that we always had
I'm simply going mad singing

Choo choo ka choo mmm mmm mmm
I got it bad
Choo choo ka choo mmm mmm mmm
I'm going mad
Maybe I'm just dreaming about a life that I know I will never have

And if you buy me a treat
How about some Cracker Jacks
When I grow up I'll be a fireman