While you're honky-tonkin' 'round All you do is run me down Now we're parted How cold hearted can you get You're tellin' all your friends What a rascal I have been Now we're parted How cold hearted can you get I remember back when I was tall hog at the trough Now my money's gone and you have really fluffed me off You're giving me the blame You ought to hang your head in shame Now we're parted How cold hearted can you get Now gal I can't forget How you got me deep in debt Now we're parted How cold hearted can you get You said as you slammed the door I was square as a four by four Now we're parted How cold hearted can you get You called me ev'ry thing you could, from a dummy to a dope I know that you'd be satisfied if I took strychnine and croaked When I say that you'll regret You just puff that cigarette Now we're parted How cold hearted can you get All the lies you've told one me, you'll regret someday When Saint Peter says, now gal, just go the other way Now I guess you'll say to him It was all my fault again Now we're parted How cold hearted can you get