Well a pheasant is a bird And they need to be plucked After being slaughtered And before they're put on trucks And you probably Don't think much of me Just a lonely pheasant plucker at the pheasant factory But my life as a mother pheasant plucker is pleasant Just listening to music as I pluck mother pheasants I'm a pleasant pheasant plucker And nobody's ever heard A pleasant mother pheasant plucker like me say the f-word And I come from a mother pheasant plucking family From the mother pheasant plucking plantation in italy And the days were hard And the nights were long So to keep their spirits high they sang this song They sang our life as a mother pheasant plucker is pleasant Just listening to music as I pluck mother pheasants I'm a pleasant pheasant plucker And nobody's ever heard A pleasant mother pheasant plucker like me say the f-word And my mother was a mother pheasant plucker as well And she loved to pluck the mother pheasants yes I could tell And she sang this song as she plucked all day long She never ever ever got the lyrics wrong She sang my life as a mother pheasant plucker is pleasant Just listening to music as I pluck mother pheasants I'm a pleasant pheasant plucker And nobody's ever heard A pleasant mother pheasant plucker like me say the f-word Because my life as a mother pheasant plucker is pleasant Just listening to music as I pluck mother pheasants I'm a pleasant pheasant plucker And nobody's ever heard A pleasant mother pheasant plucker like me say the f-word Because my life as a mother pheasant plucker is pleasant Just listening to music as I pluck mother pheasants I'm a pleasant pheasant plucker And nobody's ever heard A pleasant mother pheasant plucker like me say the f-word Because my life as a mother pheasant plucker is pleasant Just listening to music as I pluck mother pheasants I'm a pleasant pheasant plucker And nobody's ever heard A pleasant mother pheasant plucker like me say the f-word Because my life as a mother pheasant plucker is pleasant Just listening to music as I pluck mother pheasants I'm a pleasant pheasant plucker And nobody's ever heard A pleasant mother pheasant plucker like me say the f-word