
Captain Blah


He has the face of evil 
He has a stilt 
He stole the ark of the island 
But do not spend money nor with battery 

A currency makes a difference for him 
For if the union makes the force 
A person get rid of this union 
You do not need help at any time 

This letter of music has nothing to do 
Captain Blah is a very nice being 
He has a deep voice and speaks slang 
Bad language he speaks and eats meal 

He smells cocaine on the ship 
He has a parrot gay 
He likes to sing songs foreign 
He was leader of the National Marine 

His parrot is the son of a weird crossing 
From a pig with a dove 
Grandchildren of a dog with a cat 
And great-grandchildren of a lion with a tiger 

Captain Blah is drug 
Captain Blah exaggerates 
Captain Blah enlouquece 
Captain Blah is bore