He who dwell in thee earth From the clouds and above we call On putrid soils of burning ash We call and yell the names Of the black Most unholy of revering feast In earth and beyond incubes malign Deceiving on the name of the unspoken In the seed of men Breed as rats You suppose my name But til light dawn and dusk rise No one knows the secrets of the moon Most unholy of revering feast He who dwells far beyond midnight In earth and six feet below we bow He whose falling descends into absurd Most unclean of seraphic disease Unspoken one of tongues never heard Before light and dawn you will deny me In darkness and ledges of this earth Reckoning the wrath from above As tyranny deceits into beliefs and religions The evil one resides deep below regions On horned crafted bliss enthrones These beliefs Of the most filth unclean Darkness vomits and yells The names of the enemy Earth whose land spoiled Its conquered in fear The most antiques memories of the earth He who dwell in thee earth From the calls and above we call