What we feel in our life is like a storm In the fall of our thoughts we see the grave of hypocrisy Time eats your life And like an enemy takes your scalp It's growing and getting stronger Through the blood that we bleed There's gonna be a time when We will be destined to a bloodstained -Hell- But now could be the right Moment to fight -Time- We only have one life To face and fight -Enemy- We own the biggest wound within ourselves But we might fight against it all Time eats your life And like an enemy takes your scalp It's growing and getting stronger Through the blood that we bleed Time eats your life And like an enemy takes your scalp It's growing and getting stronger Through the blood that we bleed Time is the enemy inside It kills our soul and our life Time is the enemy inside It kills our soul and our life Time is the enemy inside It kills our soul and our life Time is killing Time is taking Time is killing us Death is taking us Time is killing us Death is taking us