A sexual feeling came into their mind But the standing penis didn't show a love index Smelling mouths wake me up - living creatures I've never seen them before and I can't get what Could be so good in killing a child What started the communication - one of them began to Tell the story - interrupt the speech - others have sex with Corpses it was better for them then a child's smashed Intestines All of them knew the story 'bout the case that said one Of their mates is a victim, knows nothing about life As I look around the 2 leggeds are quiet another Rotten-mouth family is planning murder End the life of their same-blood brothers Gets home to his relatives and let the hunt begin Some around me are laughing loudly they don't clean The shit up but live in it Once one of them begin to cry "People. We arrived at factory let life beginning!!!" I figured that people were standing around me They treat their rudest things a funny way Am I like them? Such crazy, rude creature - if yes, the Mankind is the rudest creature on earth We adore the woman who gives a fuck about us I'm this kinda man, too but don't follow this bad mind