Bee sting you come undone God at the wheel with a gun Get down on the street and call your friends They're shootin' up a new path To guide the first and last So get down on the street and call your friends It's a miracle And it's comin' your way It's a miracle Shinnin' all day As bad as the night embers Beat to another song Sad cuz you know her deaht Will never fade It's a miracle And it's comin' your way It's a miracle Shinnin' all day And so you come alive At the perfect time It's a perfect life Ok I know we're mates Ok it feels the same Girl you know your name Will some day change It's a miracle And it's comin' your way It's a miracle Shinnin' all day It's a miracle And it's comin' your way It's a miracle Shinnin' all day Your way, your way