Behold! I'm sharp-witted Those in charge don't try to see Speak up? Not worth the risk and time Blockhead! Don't make me angry, what a bother Use those telescopes Bring it on! Deep inside of you Know it's crazy, why not say so? King's Chair, time to pull them down Prove wrong those silver ties Cry for the moon and keep being troubled World wouldn't change if no one acts Don't waste your time on trifles You wanna be crazy? You wanna go freak out? You don't wanna break down? Ignite rusty heart Shred the bindings, don't turn around You need to lose once to see Let's get down Behold! I'm fast as wind But who can I chase and overtake? Can't move! Just checking the scale all day Back down! Can't stand to run watching your rear Use the kinescope Bring it on! Deep inside of you Know it's crazy, why not say so? King's Chair, time to pull them down Prove wrong those silver ties Cry for the moon and keep being troubled World wouldn't change if no one acts Don't waste your time on trifles You wanna be crazy? You wanna go freak out? You don't wanna break down? Ignite rusty heart Shred the bindings, don't turn around Dig out again, what you've lost Let's get down Do not say a word I know what you're thinking I'm terrified to see the man in the mirror (Cannot understand) Are you feeling sick The Doctor asks me Why can't I give him an answer? You wanna be crazy? You wanna go freak out? You don't wanna break down? Ignite rusty heart Shred the bindings, don't turn around You need to lose once to see the truth You wanna be crazy? You wanna go freak out? You don't wanna break down? Ignite rusty heart Shred the bindings, don't turn around Dig out again, what you've lost Let's get down You got the guts, count me in Let's get down!