(Offering the poison to the bride.) Acqua toffana. Would you take it from me? Drink it if you need it for free! Now we made the pain all vanish. With this elixir kill the spanish! You will know the time is right now. On the yard he is milking the cow. Now we made the pain all vanish. With this elixir kill the spanish! You will know the time is right now. On the yard he is milking the cow. Mense majo nubut malae. Succubi and hermes: manna di san nikola. Nessuno nasce maestro. Mark my words young disciple, if you want to be a mage! Now prepare the poison, youngster! Let they taste our fearless power. You will know the time is right now. The bridal party has to die now. Now we made the pain all vanish. With this elixir kill the spanish! (To hermes) for making a poison you don't need reason. It is implicit. Heart of the maiden, tongue of the raven it is all you need. Repeat! (Obediently.) For making a poison i don't need reason. It is implicit. Heart of the maiden, tongue of the raven it is all i need.