


Juliette played russian roulette
With love in her head and a gun on her shoulder
When it comes to love I've seen it all, heard it all
Yes Im pissed and I'm a selfish bore
Yes Im pissed and I'm a selfish bore
And the girls have muttered
Muttering bullshit

Muttering bullshit
Girls all know
Your love is such good shit
Take me (home)ho-ee-o-eoeoeoeoeoeoeoeme

Romeo played russian roulette
With a gun in the head and love on his shoulder
When it comes to love I've seen it all, heard it all
Mr pisshead oh you selfish fool
Mr pisshead oh you selfish fool
All the girls have muttered
Muttering bullshit"

Muttering bullshit
Girls all know
Your love is such a good shit
Take me (home)ho-ee-o-eoeoeoeoeoeoeoeme

Muttering bullshit
Girls all know
Your love is such a good shit
Take me (home)ho-ee-o-eoeoeoeoeoeoeoeme.