Greg X Volz

Waitin' On Someday

Greg X Volz

All of the hard times that you have
Are but your chance to understand
That you were made, not yet formed
As is planned

When you were first led to believe
They told you the fullness was received
But what are these strangers in your land

Sometimes you must wonder,
"Can a man's heart really change?"
Don't just stand there gazing at the east
Just walk that way

Haven't you heard that it was done so long ago
But you're still waitin' on someday
The son of man that is inside you
Has so much to show

But you're still sitting on the runway
There is a multitude that needs your love
There is no better way to rise above
The chains that bind you in an iron glove
And this can be your someday

There may be more hard times that you'll have
There is assurance in God's plan
This work that has begun in you, he began
So let us bind up our feeble knees
Rest in the love that brings us peace
We know his kingdom is at hand

Haven't you heard that it was done so long ago
But you're still waitin' on someday
The son of man that is inside you
Has so much to show
But you're still sitting on the runway
There is a multitude that needs your love
There is no better way to rise above
So let the spirit fill you with his love
This can be your someday

Go after what you see before your heart
And don't look behind
Where will you be if you just wait to fly away?