When I first met the savior I was blind to all my sin Letting part of it go had kept me satisfied But I didn't think a christian Could wind up in this place Now I'm sure I'm one of those For whom you died Wash away all that remains Once and for all remove the stains Of the sins that had been steeped Below the surface of my veins What a wondrous thing you do, lord When I fall on my knees How the mercy follows through, lord When I fall on my knees Till there's nothing left but you, lord When I fall on my knees I will please your heart on bended knees On bended knees Though the world can have its heyday Pointing fingers at your kids Let us not return the evil that they pay For you have chosen people Who are flawed in many ways Who will demonstrate your love in action Not in words they say Wipe away all of our tears Once and for all remove the fears Of the children you have raised In the midst of mocking peers I come to you on bended knees To humbly seek your face Repenting now, I long to bear The fruit of righteousness