Every single day I fantasize Different ways my body could die I would kill myself completely out of spite Wouldn’t be around to watch my friends cry And I don’t mind feeling lonely Cause we cut ties, and you don’t owe me But sometimes I wish you were in my life Every single day I’m feeling so blue Sit around the house with nothing to do The voices in my room remind me of you I just want to know what you’ve been up to But I won’t call all your homies Cause we don’t talk, and they don’t know me I found love within myself You found whatever in someone else Threw away your pictures I smashed on the shelf I only did it for my mental health If I were a stranger on the street Would you even look to recognize me? And even if you did would you have a clue That every single night I dream about you? Every single night I dream about you So I called to say I’m sorry And I miss you, I wish you would call me