Hey kids feel your balls So you don't get Cancer Hey kids feel your balls So you don't get cancer Feel your balls Squeeze your balls Tease your balls Please your balls Early detection is the key Rub your balls and you won't get cancer Hey kids feel your balls So you don't get Cancer Hey kids feel your balls You don't want cancer Rub your balls Squeeze your balls So you don't get cancer MASTURBATE EVERYDAY! Hey kids feel your balls So you don't get cancer Hey kids rub your balls So you don't get cancer RUB YOUR BALLS WHILE MASTURBATING! Hey kids rub your balls, While masurbating looking for lump If you find a lump Then go to the doctor And get your testicle removed RUB YOUR TESTICLES, WHILE MASTURBATING OR WHILE NOT MATURBATING! Rub your balls for no reason Other then for checking for cancer Or rub your balls Specifically for the only reason of Checking for cancer Or rub your balls Only for pleasure Or for pleasure and For checking for cancer at the same time *pause* You can pleasure your balls And aslo check for cancer At the same time You can pleasure yourself And also check for cancer At the same time TWO BIRDS, ONE STONE! Pleasure your balls And check them for Cancer at the same time