Green Steve

All Is Well

Green Steve

The coolness of an autumn eve, the stillness of the fallen leaves, there's peacefulness surrounding me, God is whispering to my soul.

Peace is a place, a harbor safe for riding out the storms. 
For each, there's a grace, a strong embrace, the comfort of the Lord. 
He's ordained the paths we take, what Father would his child forsake Emmanuel, God is with us, all is well.

When life is like a tempest sea, his spirit calms the storm in me. 
God sets my anxious soul at rest, when the winds of trouble blow.


In God I have assurance, his nearness is my good and my confidence is knowing in his will all is well. 
Peace is a place, a harbor safe for riding out the storms. 
For each, there's a grace, a strong embrace, the comfort of the Lord. 
He's ordained the paths we take, what father would his child forsake Emmanuel, God is with us, all is well.
Emmanuel God is with us all is well.