Found myself inside an empty room Waitin' for the beast to make a move Ridin' thru the T.V. air The devil makes his playground anywhere One day little baby Don't you be surprised But I'll be gone You know that's true Meantime all my friends are cumin' down Overshootin' exits outta town Trapped in cans inside of traffic stacks As the bright lights call them back To Psycho City Someday if the smoke clears from your eye You'll recognize your helter skelter life One day little baby Ya gonna realize Right from wrong I'll come right you ya Meanwhile as the band is goin' on Double-crossin' dodges get it on Complicatin' every little fact Don't ever turn your back On Psycho City Someday as I make my way by song I'll find out where I should belong Jump my wheels right off the twisted track 'Cause I'm never goin' back To Psycho City