Great American Desert

A Goyim Prayer

Great American Desert

To you, ha-satan,
Prince of darkness,
I dedicate this victim;
Let him become, as carrion,
Food for a scavenging beast.

I am god, imbued with wisdom.

Here me as i place my curse upon the qabbalist;
Here me as i'm summoning the beasts of satan;
Here me as i desecrate the name of yeshua;
Aid my vengeance on this night,
Accept my living sacrifice.

Satan, see karma fulfilled.
The ones who've wronged me shall not survive.
Cause them suffering, this is my will.

Exalted by hatred, this i am;
Only to be stopped by self-destruction.
This i do in self-loathing,
For none possess a soul so foul
As the child beckoning you now.