My god where are you I want to have my rites My god who are you It doesn't seem quite right Crawl in the bottle Pickled scriptures Preserved by pictures Nowadays what is real Nowadays what can we feel Guardian angel is on the run Who will deliver us To the promised one My god where are you You've gone and left me What shall I do Why have you forsaken me I'm down here on my knees Why beg for your mercy Give it give it give it to me I need your righteous hand Lead me to the promised land Safe from iniquity Oh my god can you help me I stand here alone in this place God only knows Trapped in my self torment Lack of sense or judgment (Chorus) My god save me, my god save me Hear my plea, My god save me My god save me Amen..evil from us deliver Temptation into not us lead And, us against trespass who those Forgive we as, trespasses Our us forgive and..bread daily Our day this us give Heaven in is it earth on Done will be thy, come kingdom Thy, name thy be hollow Heaven in art who father our Christened with the boiling oil My flesh falls onto the floor My blood spilled with sins of greed I beg to my god on my knees Everyone will pass this judgment In the case of all who have been The lily's of the field Neither toil nor spin Who is my god what is religion Who is my god what is religion