Tom: F hey its punkdude969, if you heard this song before you probably saw 28 days later MAN that movie kicks ass! well here you go.......... this is the piano mario theme like intro.. intro/chorus e[------------------------- B[------------------------- G[-0h2---020--------------- D[-----3-----0--232---2553- A[------------------3------ E[------------------------- e[---------------------------- B[---------------------------- G[-333333-444444-555555------- D[-333333-444444-555555-333333 A[-111111-222222-333333-333333 E[----------------------111111 verse e[------------------ B[------------------ G[-10--------------- D[-10-(12x)-8------- A[-8--------8-(12x)- E[----------6------- iterlude e[----------------------- B[----------------------- G[----------------------- D[----------------------- A[-----------3-----1----- E[-1--------------------- intro 2x chorus 2x verse 2x chorus 2x verse 2x chorus 2x iterlude 2x chorus 4x well hope you like it i must go save the world so bye...